(a) The Legislature finds and declares that: 1. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Must be 21 years of age. The House passed a measure that gave back Second Amendment rights to those people convicted of non-violent felonies. In early March, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law the most aggressive and sweeping gun legislation that the state has seen in years. Therefore, states and local governments could generally pass gun control laws and regulations. A felony conviction in Florida results in losing civil rights such as the right to vote in a presidential election and your right to use or possess a firearm. Florida's package of r in 2018 included creating an extreme risk protection law, raising the minimum age to purchase firearms from dealers to 21. In Jacksonville, Florida, a convicted felon does not have certain civil rights, including the right to possess or use guns, firearms, or ammunition. Regaining your Second Amendment rights in Florida requires an application.