YES, a convicted felon in Florida may be able to regain their firearms rights. Certain felons may be eligible to restore their firearm rights in Florida.If you were convicted of a felony under federal law, you must have a presidential pardon or have been granted federal relief from disabilities. The House passed a measure that gave back Second Amendment rights to those people convicted of non-violent felonies. In the state of Florida, specific regulations strictly prohibit felons from possessing firearms, detailed under Florida Statutes Section 790.23. To restore your gun rights in Florida after a felony conviction, you must wait at least 8 years. Protect the right of individuals to keep and bear arms as guaranteed under both the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and s. There is an application an ex felon can fill out to have his or her rights restored, but relatively few of these requests are granted. Texas law says no, but it contains an exception. Section 46.04 of the Texas Penal Code makes it illegal for someone convicted of a felony to possess a firearm.