After a violent physical attack in the workplace, employers can be held liable in certain cases. Vicarious Liability.In this post, we will discuss the causes of workplace violence, the legal responsibilities of employers to prevent and address it, and the rights of employees. Harassment at work is illegal under the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). FREE CASE EVALUATION (844-LAW-4-WORK) - We fight for justice for victims of workplace violence in Georgia. If you are filing a claim involving assault you must demonstrate fault, so gathering evidence is a crucial part the process. It may include slurs, offensive jokes, physical attacks, threats, mockery, insults, and other interference with work performance. The violent act that caused your injury must have occurred while carrying out your job duties. File an incident report with your employer. Ask your supervisor how to do this if you are unsure.