Everyone deserves relationships free from domestic violence. Victims of adult abuse include the frail elderly, the developmentally disabled, the mentally ill, the physically disabled, and substance abusers.The Houston Police Department cares about you and your safety. The Harris Center provides mental health outpatient services that consider the whole person as they create a life of stability and recovery. Call our nursing home abuse lawyers to discuss financial compensation if you or your loved one received physical abuse in a nursing home. They also handle neglect-related homicides and illegal boarding homes. "Elderly individuals" include anyone 65 or older. Many children who are sexually abused don't tell anyone about it and many keep their secret all their lives. Victims of adult abuse include the frail elderly, the developmentally disabled, the mentally ill, the physically disabled, and substance abusers. In Harris County, the rise in intimate partner violence homicides and shelter requests underscores the critical nature of this issue.