It is a false choice to suggest that you either favor the Second Amendment OR want reasonable gun safety laws—we can do both. It's hard to reconcile Vice President Kamala Harris's friendly overtures to gun owners with the footage that recently emerged of a 2007 press conference.The vice president's ease with talking about both gun ownership and sensible regulation is a campaign asset. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Democratic presidential nominee owns a type of weapon whose sales are restricted in California under a handgun safety law. Vice President Kamala Harris called for stricter gun control laws during Thursday's gun violence event at the White House. Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz do not support mandatory gun confiscation and have strong records advocating for constitutional gun safety laws. A mass shooting at a Georgia high school in September thrust the issue of gun violence to the forefront of the presidential race. Harris, who oversees the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, has been a prominent voice for the Biden administration's gun policy.