Despite the state's hollow claims of "protecting public safety," this law is nothing more than a strategic move aimed at advancing a gun control agenda. Being convicted of a crime under California State law can impact your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms under both California and federal law.CGF believes there is no more powerful or important right than the Second Amendment - and it's our mission in life to restore it for CA. Section 2: The City Council adopts this Ordinance adding a new Chapter 9.90 to the. Generally, all firearms purchases and transfers, including private party transactions and sales at gun shows, must be made through a California licensed dealer. Clemency Application Information. Restoration of Voting Rights Without a Clemency Application. Yes, as long as the person receiving the firearm is not in a prohibited category, pdf and the firearm is legal to possess (e.g. Postel. Address correspondence to: Editor, La Peninsula, San Mateo County Historical. A "yes" vote supported establishing that the County Tax Assessor for Hillsborough County assesses for all tax districts in the county except for Plant City.