The complaint, which is required to be submitted in writing, must state facts that substantiate any alleged misconduct or incapacity. Complaint Submissions: • All complaints must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the complainant's knowledge of the rights violation.The Easy Form asks you questions and completes the necessary forms with your answers. Call the OIG Hotline: 800-368-1463. ​​ To report suspected abuse or neglect, you must call. Be careful to use the form that fits your case and the type of pleading you want to file. Report a Complaint about Waste, Fraud, Abuse, or Misconduct in the Department of Justice; Report Other Fraud or Public Corruption. Please complete the relevant complaint form in its entirety; include your Social Security number or your Federal Employee Identification Number. Section 1 - Who is filling out this form? To file a civil lawsuit, you must complete a Complaint form, a Summons form as well as a Civil Division Action Cover Sheet.