A person with two or more Arizona felony convictions must file the applications to restore their civil liberties with Maricopa County Superior Court. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.The state of Arizona and each municipal corporation within the state of Arizona shall have the right to engage in industrial pursuits. The Supreme Court recognizes that the Second Amendment is compatible with strong firearm regulations and gun safety. It is unlawful for any person within the limits of the city to possess, carry or display a weapon in any public building or facility. The Arizona State Constitution has been updated to include the revised sections from the 55th Legislature, 1st Regular Session. The Second Amendment prevents the government from infringing on one's right to keep and bear arms. Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, is itself proof that the right should be construed as "fundamental. " Because the Second Amendment invokes a funda-. The Regional Trail System is a natural step in the County's regional planning process.