Laws, regulations, and web sources on suspending or expelling students, and other forms of student discipline. No student shall be subjected to abuse or neglect, cruel, unusual, severe or corporal punishment, including the following practices.If the assault arises out of a corporal punishment situation, the NEA policy provides attorneys' fees regardless of outcome. When the ESP Is the Victim. Each school district and school shall include the requirements and procedures for communicating with the local law enforcement agency in the local plan. MA Appleseed has prepared this Parent Guide to help families who are facing problems resulting from a child's discipline by, or exclusion from, school. Admin made it clear that it is illegal to exclude him from my class, and that if I choose not to do my duties it will be a "conversation with HR". Find out how you are protected from discrimination and harassment in Massachusetts schools. How do I file a 51-A. When you call the Department of Children and Families (DCF), you will be directed to someone who will help you file a 51A report.