Assault and battery charges can be filed either as a misdemeanor, or as a felony offense. The Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) provides free, extensive legal services for rape and sexual assault survivors in parts of their lives.A 209A Order can be obtained in any District Court, Superior Court, or Probate and Family Court in Massachusetts. The data do not indicate. The following programs provide services to victims of domestic violence, including shelter, counseling, support groups, and legal assistance. Find important information and available resources in and around Cambridge for individuals and families who are in need of support due to domestic violence. Many people do not recognize themselves as abusers or victims, because they may consider their experiences as family conflicts that had gotten out of control. Egypt, India, and the Philippines. Legal Orientation Program. LOS. Many people do not recognize themselves as abusers or victims, because they may consider their experiences as family conflicts that had gotten out of control.