APS provides protective services to disabled adults, 18 years of age or older who are alleged to be abused, neglected, or exploited and in need of protection. CHARLOTTE — Did you know that one-out-of every ten older adults in the US experience elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation every year?Social work and resources to assist adults with issues we all face as we age. Protecting Seniors with the North Carolina Department of Justice. NC law protects disabled adults of any age from abuse, neglect and exploitation. County departments of social services receive and evaluate reports to determine whether disabled adults are in need of protective services. Abuse of adults 60 and older includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker neglect, financial exploitation, and self-neglect. This web application as a service of Mecklenburg County Government for the purpose of reporting suspected child abuse, neglect, or dependency. If you suspect abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an older or disabled adult you must contact your County Department of Social Services. If you have been the victim of abuse, exploitation, or neglect, you are not alone.