Workplace violence, whether from an inside or outside source, can result in serious physical injury and death to employees in a variety of work settings. Step 1: Fill out required paper- work at the Magistrate's office.What should I do if I was physically assaulted at work? This section covers questions about court dates and scheduling that are of particular concern to victims in criminal cases. Learn more about the ways we serve Mecklenburg County survivors. Every day, our team of public servants is working to make Mecklenburg County a safer place to live, work and raise a family. So not only do we have people in the workplace suffering from this, the actual abusers are doing it at work too. Visit our helpful links for contact information for law enforcement agencies in Mecklenburg County and North Carolina. However, it gives less protection than a Domestic Violence Protective Order (DVPO) because law enforcement has less ability to enforce it than they do a DVPO. Magistrate's Process for an.