It addresses violence as a public health issue, a threat that impacts any and all residents. On Sunday, December 29, shortly after p.m.Customer Connection is the main call center for the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services. A request for an interpreter must be submitted to the language access coordinator (LAC) in the county in which the case will be heard. Use this worksheet when one parent (or a third party) has primary physical custody of all of the children for whom support is being determined. We offer health plans for North Carolina residents in Cumberland, Durham, Harnett, Johnston, Orange, Mecklenburg and Wake counties for Tailored Plan members. You can file some reports online through the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's online reporting platform. Hate crime incidents include acts such as physical assault, bullying, harassment, and intentional damage to property. Specialty: Cardiology. 4.2Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars, with (14 ratings).