You have three options to restore your firearms rights in North Carolina. One way to do this is to obtain an expungement of the felony conviction.Under the NC firearms rights restoration process, you have a chance at restoring your right to keep and bear arms. If you appear eligible, we can help you. If you were convicted of a nonviolent felony, you may be eligible to apply for an expungement. Multiple long guns may be purchased with a single pistol purchase permit; however, they must be purchased in a single transaction. The North Carolina Felony Firearms Act makes it illegal for a convicted felon to purchase, own, or possess any firearm. Multiple long guns may be purchased with a single pistol purchase permit; however, they must be purchased in a single transaction. A previously convicted felon argued that he had a constitutional right under the Second Amendment to possess a firearm. Once their period of supervision is over, a person convicted of a felony automatically regains the right to vote.