In New Jersey and many other states, individuals who have been convicted of certain felonies are not permitted to purchase, own, or possess any type of firearm. Luckily, New Jersey allows those with some criminal convictions to expunge their records and restore their Second Amendment rights.By choosing to become a convicted felon, you gave up your second amendment rights. Section 922(g) is the law that prohibits felons, and certain other groups, from possessing firearms. An Act concerning the sale and possession of firearms and supplementing and amending various parts of the statutory law. When completing your expungement petition, you must include your entire criminal history. If you don't, an agency will object to your expungement. The printed qualification questionnaire can be filled out in writing and mailed or emailed back to the county Jury Management office. Convicted felons can apply to ATF for "relief" from the "disability" of not being able to possess a gun. The following are instructions on how to apply online for a Firearms Identification Card or Permit to Purchase a Handgun.