Veteran Affairs (VA) considers MST to be sexual assault or sexual harassment, which occurs during military service. Neither consent nor mistake of fact as to consent is an affirmative defense in a prosecution for sexual assault. 3.The law in Nevada defines assault as either: Assault victims are not touched, but they experience the fear of being touched and injured. Both women and men report Military Sexual Trauma (MST) during their time of service, which can range from sexual harassment to violent sexual assault. Any member who commits sexual assault will be subject to applicable civilian criminal laws, the Nevada Code of Military Justice. (4) Adults who were victims of child sexual abuse or sexual assault that occurred before the sponsor or member's military service. How long do they last? What protections can I get in an order for protection against sexual assault? A Nevada Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter picks up water through a. Sept. Nevada Army National Guard. Help. Summary.