For information on how a business or school can request free and confidential Safety and Health consultation assistance please fill out the request form. There are steps you can take to understand what constitutes workplace violence, assess risks, and create a prevention plan.In Orange County, employees may file complaints of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment with the Orange County Human Rights Commission. You must file your case at the Justice Center that has venue. The police can explain what actions they typically take during incidents involving threats and violence. Q: Can workplace violence incident reports be filled out and kept digitally rather than as a physical paper copy? Read the Instructions for Petitions to Prohibit Workplace Violence (form WV-150) before completing this form. Defining Workplace Violence. Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. Then call your manager and the Workplace Violence hotline at (916) 376-5344.