You can file criminal charges against the student and you can file for a civil restraining order. If the school refuses to move the child, that is their right.If you've been physically assaulted or even threatened, go to the police with your parents and file a report and look into pressing charges. The Commission on Crime and Delinquency initiates, validates, and financially supports justice-related programs. If your child's school uses a certain form, use that form. Hazing shall be a misdemeanor of the third degree if it results in or creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the minor or student. Staff from special education may be consulted, but they do not have responsibility for implementation of the accommodations for the student. Click the red "X" in the upper-right corner or "Escape" button on your keyboard twice at any time to leave TheHotline. Does the school tolerate assault, punching holes in the wall, or speaking in a verbally abusive way to others? Funding for Specialist Domestic Violence.