You only have the right to bear arms until a misdemeanor or felony conviction disqualifies you. Under most circumstances, a convicted felon cannot legally buy or own a gun in Pennsylvania.If you lost your gun rights after a criminal conviction in Pennsylvania, you could have them restored through a pardon or expungement. Under Pennsylvania law, convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a firearm. Getting Your 2nd Amendment Rights Back If you've had felony convictions, you may have lost your right to possess a firearm. All convictions for a misdemeanor of the first degree (M1) will strip your firearms rights under federal law, because an M1 can get you up to 5 years in jail. The right to bear arms is granted to every person in the United States of America. If you are convicted of certain crimes, such as any felony or certain misdemeanors you will automatically lose your right to own or carry a firearm. § 6105, possessing a firearm as a prohibited person is a seconddegree felony, carrying up to 10 years in prison and hefty fines. Pennsylvania no longer has mandatory minimum laws in sentencing in relation to convicted felons in actual or constructive possession of a firearm.