PCA's Older Adults Protective Services (OAPS) team helps to detect, prevent and protect older Philadelphians from all forms of elder abuse. Older Adult Protective Services (OAPS) is a program which investigates reports of abuse or neglect involving victims who are age 60 or older.Abuse reports can be made for an older adult whether they live at home or in a care facility like a nursing home, personal care home, or hospital. Do you suspect elder abuse or abuse of an adult living with a disability? Some individuals and professionals may be mandated to report suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation. When you or an elderly loved one suffer any abuse, a Philadelphia nursing home abuse attorney wants to help you hold people liable. Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA) hosted a free event at their North Broad Street headquarters on scams, fraud and exploitation for older adults. Free Consultation - Call 267.809. The Philadelphia elder financial abuse lawyers at our firm have decades of legal experience helping victims. Free consult (215) 569-0200.