Curious about how to restore gun rights in Pennsylvania? Learn the process of restoring firearm rights, from eligibility to legal steps.If you lost your gun rights after a criminal conviction in Pennsylvania, you could have them restored through a pardon or expungement. Under most circumstances, a convicted felon cannot legally buy or own a gun in Pennsylvania. Convicted felons face an enhancement to a first-degree felony. Under Pennsylvania law, convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a firearm. All convictions for a misdemeanor of the first degree (M1) will strip your firearms rights under federal law, because an M1 can get you up to 5 years in jail. The right to bear arms is granted to every person in the United States of America. If you're in the market for a great attorney who specializes in firearms law and carry permits, call the Law Office of Steven F O'Meara today at 610-565-9200. Getting Your 2nd Amendment Rights Back.