If you are facing criminal charges for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Phoenix, call Snader Law Group at (602) 825-3031 today. The elements the State must prove in a prosecution for aggravated assault vary, depending on the particular form of the crime with which a defendant is charged.Vehicular aggravated assault is against drivers who are considered to have knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly caused injury. Call (602) 548-3400. A.R.S. section 13-1203 penalizes a number of circumstances that count as aggravated assault. If you're facing aggravated assault charges in Arizona, don't face them alone. Felony disorderly conduct is a lesser-included offense of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Disorderly Conduct Charges in Arizona (ARS 13-2904). If you are charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon, trust aggravated assault attorney in Phoenix Laboy Law to aggressively defend your rights. Learn about how Arizona treats aggravated assault crimes, based on the statute ARS 131204.