The purpose of this Administrative Procedure ("AP") is to define behavior which constitutes workplace violence and to define procedures for reporting and. A student who wishes to make a report or complaint of disability discrimination shall do so using the procedures (and timelines) set out in AP If the person causes serious physical injury to another. 2. If the person uses a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. 3. Visit HR Forms for Mediation, Grievance and Appeal forms under the Employment Rights tab. The Student Code of Conduct provides you with information about your responsibilities as a student regarding appropriate behavior and respect for others. Pima County employees are prohibited from making threats or engaging in any threatening conduct or any other acts of aggression or violence in the workplace. The Pima County Health Department is looking for the right individual to lead the newly created Office of Injury and Violence Prevention Program. Pima is committed to maintaining an environment for work and education which is free of discrimination. (An advocate or crisis worker who works with law enforcement may do this.) c.