Certain Utah gun rights restrictions may be lifted through court action. Convicted felon Mindy Vincent lost her Second Amendments rights.The Utah woman sued the federal government to restore her gun rights. If you were convicted of certain types of criminal offenses, your gun rights can be denied, suspended, or completely revoked under both Utah and federal laws. STATE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION - Article 1, Section 6. If you require legal assistance to petition for a 402 motion, contact experienced Utah lawyer Darwin Overson for 402 reductions for gun ownership. Can I still own a firearm if I have been convicted of a felony in Utah? In the State of Utah, gun ownership is a privilege that could be revoked if a defendant is convicted of certain criminal offenses. Section 922(g) is the law that prohibits felons, and certain other groups, from possessing firearms. State and federal laws generally bar convicted felons from possessing a gun.