This map is a useful tool for finding domestic violence organizations in your community. Listings contain hotline numbers and websites (where available).Domestic violence abuse is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that is a pervasive life-threatening crime affecting people in all our communities. Each California County has an Adult Protective Services (APS) agency to help elder adults (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 who are disabled) Victim advocates are trained professionals who provide support to victims and witnesses of crimes. This support can be in the form of emotional support. One out of four college students will be sexually assaulted. What to Do If You Have Been Assaulted or Raped. Each California County has an Adult Protective Services (APS) agency to help elder adults (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 who are disabled) There are situations where someone can be wrongly accused of domestic violence.