If you can get a felony conviction reduced, you may be able to get your right to own or possess a firearm reinstated. Being convicted of a crime under California State law can impact your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms under both California and federal law.Section 29800 applies to convicted felons, people convicted of certain specified Misdemeanor crimes, and anyone addicted to a narcotic drug. In 2014, the court ruled that the "good cause" requirement to obtain a CCW violated the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Section 922(g) is the law that prohibits felons, and certain other groups, from possessing firearms. The consequences of being a felon with a firearm are severe. Call San Diego weapon attorney Jessica McElfresh at (858) 756-7107 for a free consult. Not only can you face expensive fines but possible incarceration and a loss of your Second Amendment privileges. On June 4, 2021, in the case of Miller v. A US Supreme Court ruling overturning a strict New York law on who can carry concealed weapons will likely lead to a challenge of California gun laws.