Contact SDPD's Sex Crimes Unit or SDPD non-emergency line at 619-531-2000. Provide as much information as possible to aid in the investigation.Call the San Diego County Domestic Violence 24-hour hotline 1-888-DVLINKS (385-4657) for emergency assistance or ongoing needs. Call San Diego corporal injury to a spouse attorney Vikas Bajaj if you're facing criminal charges. Schedule an initial consultation today. My partner was arrested for domestic violence and told me to bail him out or else I would "get it. Many people don't realize that an assault can occur without any actual touching or harm inflicted. Contact us today if you have been charged with assault. An assault that is illegal per Penal Code Section 240, known as simple assault, is treated as a misdemeanor crime under California law. Assault cases in San Diego often involve more than just physical contact.