If you can get a felony conviction reduced, you may be able to get your right to own or possess a firearm reinstated. Our experienced gun rights restoration attorneys in San Diego at San Diego Expungement Attorney Group are experts in gun rights restoration laws.The San Diego Municipal Code states. All steps must be completed in order to be issued a license. Being convicted of a crime under California State law can impact your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms under both California and federal law. The act also prohibits convicted felons from purchasing firearms or ammunition. By choosing to become a convicted felon, you gave up your second amendment rights. Gun laws in California regulate the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition in the state of California in the United States. Section 922(g) is the law that prohibits felons, and certain other groups, from possessing firearms. The Public Defender can help clear criminal records, get felony convictions reduced, seal records, and more to help you get a new start in life.