If you assault and injure a social worker while that person is attempting to do his or her job, you will be charge with a serious felony. In-person and telephone advocacy for victims of domestic violence residing within the First, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Precincts in Suffolk County.Assists non-English speaking persons in filling out forms and preparing complaints. Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. If you do not get a response you can call Candidate Relations Monday – Friday am to pm at 718-312-4226, and select option 3. How Do I File a Petition in Family Court? What Should I Put on My Petition? Doing community service is one of the most self-rewarding things one can do. The Suffolk County Police Department is committed to investigating all reported domestic incidents and to providing assistance to victims of Domestic Violence. Violence in the Home (domestic or child abuse, including sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect). 558.