Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Amdt2.1 Overview of Second Amendment, Right to Bear Arms. In addition to the right to bear arms, I firmly believe all Texans have the right to their independence and minimal government interference. As a Texan, and an American, I fully support our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Article 1, § 23 of the Texas Constitution states: "Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State. The law has also changed. 19 children and 2 teachers were killed in a school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Texas. The Second Amendment protects arms, not firearms,6 and in Heller, the Supreme Court defined an arm as any. Banning any type of firearm can be interpreted as a violation of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.