(4), The fact that the actor caused serious bodily injury to an individual is not a defense to a violation of this section. (b) intending to cause bodily injury, commits an assault.In Utah, assault is simply when you use unlawful force to cause bodily injury, but you can also be charged with it just for attempting to do so. However, it's a thirddegree felony for a second conviction or an assault causing substantial bodily injury to an officer or service member. Assault is a class B misdemeanor. In the state of Utah, assault cases are typically charged as class B misdemeanor offenses which can give the accused up to 6 months in jail. A third degree felony may be charged if the aggravated assault involves a weapon or a "substantial" bodily injury. A judge can impose a sentence that includes a jail or prison term, probation, a fine, community service, restitution, or a combination of these penalties. You can be sentenced to 15 years in the Utah State Prison. Other force or means likely to produce death or serious bodily injury.