Download and complete the Attorney General's Office Complaint Form. If you're not finding the forms you need, contact us at (801) 238-7990 or Click here to contact the web navigator.File a complaint online, apply manually or in-person, download manual complaint form. The Sheriff's Office Complaint Form can be e-mailed or faxed to you, as requested, or you may access and download the form from this website. Report physical violence to campus police: 801-585-2677. This information packet is designed to help you file an employment discrimination lawsuit in federal court without the help of a trained and licensed attorney. If your concerns are regarding an attorney's or LPP's professional conduct, the first step is to complete a complaint form. If you feel that you have experienced sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, or know someone else who has, report the incident here. In order to start a lawsuit based on a claim of employment discrimination, you must prepare and file with the court what is known as a complaint. If you file a complaint, OSHA will contact you to determine whether to conduct an investigation.