Section 922(g) is the law that prohibits felons, and certain other groups, from possessing firearms. The U.S. government cannot ban people convicted of nonviolent crimes from possessing guns, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday.The Second Amendment guarantees that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Full 3rd Circuit to consider on Feb. Our analysis shows that even after Bruen, courts are upholding state, federal, and local gun laws against Second Amendment challenges. The Second Amendment guarantees "the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Since the decision, for example, judges have consistently upheld the federal ban on convicted felons from possessing guns. Second Amendment law has developed rapidly since the Supreme Court decided Bruen. Banning any type of firearm can be interpreted as a violation of the Second Amendment of the US Constitution. Should ex-felons have their Second Amendment rights restored?