Write a program that asks user to enter current time in 24 hour format and asks how long you want to sleep. Phase Two is to be accepted into the major (A45260) to then enroll in the DEN classes.The CCBI Latent Print Unit is under the direction of the Crime Laboratory Division Deputy. Director. The rules and all amendments hereafter shall be filed with the Clerk of Superior Court for Wake County and published on the North Carolina. Most of these forms have fields that can be filled in on your computer, using Acrobat Reader. Specify a file name format for output files. Use variables to create a format for the PDF or XPS file name based on the data in the tax return. When creating a new case in "Latent Text Record Input," all applicable fields must be filled out. (These forms are all in Acrobat PDF format. Anything that is not contained in braces is considered literal text, which is copied unchanged to the output.