Issue a receipt to the Restrained Person for all prohibited items that have been surrendered. • Complete a proof of personal service and file it with the court.An application for reissuance of temporary orders under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, if requested, should be submitted with this form. 4. Appointments should generally be made at least 24 hours in advance. This video explains the service of process in civil harassment restraining order cases and what you need to know about serving court papers. Application for Temporary Restraining Order and Order to Show Cause re Preliminary Injunction;. Discover appropriate documents with Alameda county restraining Order Forms catalog. Select the document, edit and share it, and safely store finished documents. Civil Section ; Temporary Restraining Orders (harassment, domestic violence, elder abuse). This document is a proposed temporary restraining order and order to show cause regarding a preliminary injunction filed in Alameda County Superior Court.