Commonly used forms in Family Law proceedings including petitions for different types of restraining orders, child custody and support cases, and parentage And fill out item 2(d) on page two with details of the order you're trying to change.Alameda County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) will use legal processes to modify an order for child and or medical support. He filed a motion for modification. To schedule a court hearing and ask the court to make new orders or to change orders in your case. Consecutively, you can file a motion in Alameda County for change of venue to Contra Costa County. You or your attorney must file a petition or motion for temporary orders with the court where you filed for divorce. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. In Alameda county it takes at least 48 hours to get the decision on your request to be heard on shortened time. An RFO is the family court equivalent of an Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion that are used in many other areas of law.