How to fill out and file the OSC forms; Other things you should know. What is and when to use an Order to Show Cause (OSC) or a Notice of Motion.This article explains how to file a DVRO in Alameda County. You can file your papers in person at the following three courthouses. Credit cards can be accepted at the counter or used when efiling. The process involves filing a set of standard court forms, attending a hearing, and presenting evidence to support the request for the order. A Permanent Restraining Order (PRO) may be good for up to 3 years, with possible extensions after the 3-year period. Discover the differences between injunctions and restraining orders, their legal requirements, and the consequences for violating them. But societyand consequently the courtshave yet to fully appreciate or understand the role that cultural perspectives play in the incidence. You need an awardwinning criminal defense attorney standing up for your rights.