The PFA Department will transmit a copy of your Temporary PFA order to the police department you identify, where you will be residing. This video will cover how to complete a motion and affidavit for temporary orders.The court may require that you appear in person for a hearing or a judge may decide based upon the information you provide on the In Forma Pauperis form. Below are blank copies of the Sexual Violence orders. You can apply for an emergency PFA at the Municipal Courts Building, 660 First Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219. A parent has the option of filing an emergency custody order when they feel that their child is in immediate risk of harm. "HOW TO APPLY FOR A TEMPORARY PFA ORDER AT FAMILY COURT" – explains the times, location and procedures for filing a PFA in Allegheny County. They are not the same. The parties have to type up the court's orders after the Judge makes a ruling. You may apply for an emergency order if your child's health, safety or welfare is at immediate risk.