Take your completed forms to: Allegheny County Department of Court Records (DCR) City County Building, First Floor 414 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Box 1: Print the county in which you are filing your petition.See "Where do I. File?" in the Introduction for more information about what county you. Each of the documents listed below inculde a blank form and the instructions to fill out that form. All about Pennsylvania child custody orders: the types, plus how to follow, enforce and modify them. First his motion to modify is just that, a motion. A parent has the option of filing an emergency custody order when they feel that their child is in immediate risk of harm. These are the official forms for use in Family Court proceedings. If you need to petition the court to change an existing order, you must fill out a petition to modify custody with the court that initially handled your case. This form must be filled out and filed with the Custody Complaint and the Petition for Modification of Custody Order.