Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. A victim may request a lifetime injunction if a defendant was already sentenced for an eligible offense.To request an injunction or restraining order, you must go to the courthouse and fill out a petition for an injunction. The court may issue a preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining order only with notice to the adverse party. Information about orders of protection, injunctions against harassment and workplace harassment, and moving out of state with an order. Provided is a sample form for both the Order of Protection and the Injunction Against Harassment. We've made it easier to begin a request for an order of protection or injunction against harassment. IMPORTANT: There is NO FEE to use AZPOINT. If a person is either temporarily or permanently unable to request an order, a third party may request an order of protection on behalf of the plaintiff. To find the courthouse nearest to you, go to our AZ Courthouse Locations page.