The court may issue a preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining order only with notice to the adverse party. An overview of some of the types of relief one can seek in Arizona besides damages, and what one must establish to achieve the alternative relief they seek.A lifetime no-contact injunction is available for certain crime victims. This type of injunction is different from an injunction against harassment. A person may file a verified petition with a magistrate, justice of the peace or superior court judge for an injunction prohibiting harassment. The judicial officer must issue an Injunction Against Harassment upon finding: (A) reasonable evidence that the defendant has committed harassment. If a person is either temporarily or permanently unable to request an injunction, a third party may request an injunction on behalf of the plaintiff. Information about orders of protection, injunctions against harassment and workplace harassment, and moving out of state with an order. Finding that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief they seek, the Court issues the writ and preliminary injunction as outlined below. After an answer is filed, a party may file a motion to dissolve or modify a preliminary injunction with notice to the opposing party.