AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection. Forms for filing for an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment in an Arizona State Court.The purpose of a Protective Order is to restrain a person from committing an act of harassment or domestic violence against another person or persons. Victims of harassment seeking legal protection. 2. Individuals involved in domestic violence situations needing immediate action. 3. Administration provided under either Family Law Forms: Getting Started, or Rules of Court in the A-Z Topical Index. A civil court order issued to prevent continuing acts of family violence. Obtaining an order of protection or an injunction against harassment. Administration provided under either Family Law Forms: Getting Started, or Rules of Court in the A-Z Topical Index. Self-help court forms and instructions on LawHelp Interactive to file for a protection order.