On March 18, 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act and passed the Declaratory Act. This act was passed to assert the authority of the British government to tax its subjects in North America after it repealed the much-hated Stamp Act.Spouses must possess documentation of a valid marriage certificate or a declaratory judgment stating the validity of an out-of-state common-law marriage. Summary: This proposed bill would prohibit employers from terminating employees without just cause. A declaratory ruling shall be subject to review in the manner provided for in article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. On March 18, 1766, George III approved Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act and its passage of the Declaratory Act. In 1911, New York's "Sulli van Law" expanded the State's criminal prohibition to the possession of all handgunsconcealed or otherwisewith. Sharing the stories of the people of the Bronx, BronxNet teamed up with Centro de. Parliament had directly taxed the colonies for revenue in the Sugar Act (1764) and the Stamp Act (1765). Proceeding to a declaratory judgment action. Mtr.