Forms ; O.S.C. Temporary Restraining Order Notice. PDF ; O.S.C. Temporary Restraining Order Notice Special Proceeding.If you need to file for an order of protection outside of family court business hours, local town and city courts can issue temporary orders for family court. You should go to the petition room in Family Court and say that you want an order of protection. If you feel that you need a temporary order to protect you right away, you should speak up and ask for one. All of this led STAFF to form The Ebony Dukes Graffiti Crew in the Spring of 1970. Enforcement Division of the. Unfortunately, it happens all too of- ten that we find out about the hazards of chemicals because they injure people. The. 24 application data represent a snapshot in time in an ongoing application process. If you wish to engage in off-duty employment, fill out two (2) copies of the OFF-DUTY.