Declaratory statements are an agency's opinion as to the applicability of a statutory provision, or of any rule or order of the agency. Please complete the COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT enclosed in this Packet and sign it in the presence of a Deputy Clerk or Notary Public.Sample of petition for Declaratory Statement. Please submit an electronic copy of the Declaratory Statement and associated documents in addition to a hard copy. The DSI makes available for viewing and downloading division declaratory statements issued starting in the year 1990. The packet is to assist you in obtaining a title for a vehicle you own but for which you did not receive a title at the time of purchase. MISSION STATEMENT: We are a network of successful REALTORS ®, advancing women as business leaders in the industry and the communities we serve. (4) Service of formal notice pursuant to subdivision (3)(A) shall be complete on receipt of the notice. Of the few private scholarships available for international students, most require that you apply from your home country.