12.940(d) Motion to Modify or Dissolve Temporary Injunction. (not intended for use in DV cases) Download: PDF Download of 12.940(d)Petitions for injunctions may be filed with the clerk of court at the Main Courthouse in room 2140 or at the West Satellite Courthouse. To dissolve a restraining order in Florida, the respondent must prove that the circumstances that granted the injunction no longer exist. One of the first steps in getting an injunction dismissed is to establish valid grounds for its dissolution. What is an injunction? An injunction is a court order, also referred to as a restraining order, that directs a person not to have any contact with you. You will have to reopen the case in Broward County Circuit Court, 201 SE th St, and file a motion to dissolve it. Review the petition and determine if we can file a motion to dismiss the injunction. Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers.