A temporary restraining order (TRO) is an emergency (ex parte) court order prohibiting the defendant from taking some action. This guide includes a template complaint with cause of action for injunction.It will not fit your circumstances exactly and must be customized. Ask for all the forms that you will need to file for a domestic violence restraining order. This guide is designed to help you fill out the forms yourself. It is not intended to provide legal advice nor strategy as to how to complete the case. In order to apply for a restraining order, you need to fill and submit a specific set of official California court forms. Complaint and Request for Injunction. Download. Under the area labelled 'name of person asking for protection' write down the name of the person who took the restraining order against you. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of paper or form MC025 and write "Attachment 11Temporary Restraining Order" for a title. 2. 12.