All California courts use the same basic set of forms for civil harassment restraining orders. You can find the most commonly-used forms on this page.The San Bernardino Superior Court offers you this free online program to fill out the forms to request or respond to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order. General Instructions for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. No filing fees unless the Temporary Order is denied. The person who serves the forms must fill out either form CH200, Proof of Personal Service, or form CH250,. Forms ; CV-004F, Application for Right to Attach Order, Temporary Protective Order, etc. CV-004F, Application for Right to Attach Order, Temporary Protective Order, etc. GV-100 Ask the judge for a restraining order and tell the judge why you need one. A person seeking a Restraining Order can go to a court and fill out paperwork to apply for the order or have an attorney complete the documents.