Download and complete Motion and Notice forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Use this form to ask the judge to give you parental responsibilities for a child.This includes parenting time (visitation) and decision-making power (custody). With a motion for temporary custody, you must serve the other party and schedule a hearing. It's basically a motion with an affidavit, and it's something the court clerk can provide a form for or a local lawyer can prepare. Customer. The word document available for download below is a template motion to modify child support. In a temporary order hearing, the judge determines who gets custody (also called parental responsibilities) based on the best interests of the child. This is not a motion for further temporary orders, but a motion to modify temporary orders. In a temporary order hearing, the judge determines who gets custody (also called parental responsibilities) based on the best interests of the child. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts.