Download and complete the Order of Protection forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Download and complete Motion and Notice forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts.If a TRO is entered ex parte, the defendant may file a motion to dissolve the order. The motion should be filed as soon as possible, and should. Petitioner: Fill out Section 5 only if you have children younger than 18 with Respondent. This Easy Form helps you ask the court to order someone to stop harming or threatening you or other household members. Free Consultation - Call 630-333-0333 - Lubin Austermuehle, P.C. helps companies with business matters in Corporate and Business Litigation law. The necessary forms to competently represent yourself in a Divorce can be found online. This is the Indiana Judiciary self help website. A restraining order referred to a juvenile (petition in juvenile court) means a respondent under 18 years of age.